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Every Summer Night - Pat Metheny / arr. Curnow Fanfare For An Uncommon Man Invention for Guitar and Trumpet - Bill Holman
Fanfare For An Uncommon Man
List Price: $55.00
Retail Price: $55.00
 This piece is the essence of the clever, unusual, unforgettable kind of tune that Pat and the Group come up with. Rich DeRosa wrote this magnificent piece as a tribute to Bob Curnow. The piece moves from a celebratory feast of sound into a contemporary fusion feel, a guitar solo, more wonderful ensemble writing and ends with an amazing splash of the best big band writing you’ll find anywhere, anytime. 5-5-5-4.  Once used in the Blackboard Jungle movie, this piece is one of Holman's earliest compositions to be recorded by Kenton.
Knives Out - Radiohead / arr. Dan Gailey Sunlight - Pat Metheny / arr. Curnow
 Arranger Dan Gailey said that “Knives Out,” recorded on Radiohead’s 2001 CD Amnesiac, “had me hooked the first time I heard it based solely on its beautiful melody.  Bob Curnow has a way of picking out the Metheny tunes that work so well in a big band setting.